
Sunday, March 6, 2016

Why Conventional Sciatica Treatments Often Don’t Work

Why Conventional Sciatica Treatments Often Don’t Work…And Could Even Make Your Pain Worse

Chronic sciatica can be a frustrating condition to cure. It’s common for people to try multiple types of treatment – often spending a lot of money in the process – without noticeable results.
But here’s the good news. Sciatica can be extremely painful and even debilitating, but it’s very rare that the sciatic nerve is permanently damaged.

This means that even if you’ve been dealing with sciatic pain for years, there is a high chance that you can completely recover and live a pain-free life.

Not only that, but many people can recover from sciatica much faster than you could ever imagine – sometimes in as little as sevendays – with the right treatment program.
The key is to find a treatment that addresses the underlying cause of your pain.
Why Conventional Sciatica Treatments Often Fail

If you visit a doctor about your sciatica, he or she is likely to prescribe pain-killing medication. This can be useful as a short-term fix and may also reduce inflammation.
The problem is that medication doesn’t address the underlying cause of sciatica. If you have a compressed or irritated nerve, drugsoften just hide the problem without resolving what’s really causing your pain.

Many pain-killers – especially non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs – are also not suitable for long-term use. They can cause stomach pain, bloating, diarrhea and other nasty problems.

The worst part? If something you are doing is causing sciatica…such as putting excessive load on the spine during certain movements…then masking the pain with drugs could cause you to keep repeating the action and make your pain worse.

This isa big problem with the modern approach of pain management. It’s also why many people suffer for years with sciatic pain even though they are receiving traditional medical treatments.

Can Chiropractors Eliminate Sciatic Pain?
Another common treatment for sciatica is chiropractic manipulation. There is some low-quality evidence that this can provide relief for short-term sciatica…but there is little or no evidence that it can work for chronic sciatic pain.

There have also been reports that sciatic manipulation can cause a condition called cauda equina syndrome – a serious problem that can lead to loss of function in regions of the lower back. It can even result insexual dysfunction or loss of bladder control.

Considering there isn’t much evidence to suggest that chiropractic manipulations can reduce sciatic pain, it’s hard to recommend it as a treatment when it’s potentially linked to more serious problems such as cauda equina.

What Are Some Effective Treatments for Sciatica?
If conventional treatments may not reduce your sciatic pain – or can even make the problem worse - what can you use instead?

There are a number of alternative treatments available. These include home remedies, tailored exercise programs, sleep therapy and many more. Alternative treatments have helped thousands of people overcome their sciatic pain without expensive or dangerous therapies.

To read about how one man cured his sciatic pain using a completely natural treatment program, click here. It’s a bizarre but amazing story – and holds the key to solving your sciatic pain for good!

Sciatica SOS Review

Sciatica SOS Review: Your Guide To Eliminating Sciatica Pain In 7 Days Or Less – Guaranteed!
If you’ve spent time researching sciatica cures, you’ve probably already heard about Sciatica SOS™ – a treatment program that guarantees to eliminate pain in just 7 days.
But what’s included in the program? And can it really resolve your pain that quickly?
I spent some time researching Sciatica SOS™to find out the truth. Here’s what I found.

Sciatica SOS™is a program created by Glen Johnson – a former sciatica sufferer whose pain became so bad he couldn’t even do the grocery shopping…he had to rely on his wife to do all the work.

After years of struggling with pain that was becoming increasingly worse – and trying every conventional treatment, such as pain medication and regular visits to a chiropractor– Glen realized it was time to try something new.

That’s when he was introduced to a different way of treating sciatica by a family friend. The treatment, originally developed in Ancient Nepal, gave Glen almost instant pain relief. And within five days, his sciatica pain had disappeared completely.

In Sciatica SOS™, Glen reveals the exect treatment program so you can follow along and achieve similar results.

What’s Included in Sciatica SOS™?
The course starts with a useful section explaining the most common causes of sciatica. It also helps you identify the underlying reason for YOUR pain.
This is essential because there are many potential causes of sciatica, and they need to be treated differently (this is also a big reason why Googling generic treatments doesn’t work and will likely make your sciatica worse).
Once you’ve completed this section, the real meat of the program begins. Glen guides you through each of the following types of treatment, and tells youexactly which to use depending on the underlying cause you discovered earlier:
·         Home remedies (page 26) – seven of the most powerful remedies you can make at home to eliminate sciatic pain.
·         Exercise program (page 29) – specific exercises to resolve any underlying cause of sciatica.
·         Sleep therapy (page 62) – an essential, but often overlooked, component in treating sciatica.
·         Diet (page 64) – simple, easy alterations you can make to your diet to quickly resolve pain and prevent sciatica from returning.
For most people with sciatica, these four treatments will be enough to resolve pain quickly. But for those who need a little extra help, there are also advanced sections about “Trigger Point Therapy” and how to “Reorganize Your Skeletal System.”

Does it Work?
At this stage, you’re probably thinking that the program sounds powerful – but can it really work?

I don’t blame you for being skeptical. I was too. But that’s when I started to read some of the success stories with the program – and the transformations are incredible.
Here’s an example from Jane Eddington, Minnesota:
“Thank you so much for this Glen! After 3 months struggling to get a good night’s sleep due to the pain, I was searching online to see if there was something out there that could help as pain killers and NSAIDs just weren’t cutting it.

 When I ran across your site my first thought was it sounded too good to be true, but gave it a try anyway seeing that you had a money back guarantee in place.

I could hardly believe it; literally the next day the pain was gone and I was able to get a proper night’s sleep. You’re a life saver.”
And another, from Michael Pierce, Ireland:
“I can’t thank you enough Glenn!
I was a sciatica sufferer for years and had wasted thousands of dollars on all kinds of therapies and medications, from epidural injections to chiropractic treatments. I’d get temporary relief but after a few days the pain would be back.

It had gotten to the point where tying my own shoe laces had become a pain-staking 10 minute task.

A friend of mine sent me a link to Sciatica SOS on Facebook and barely 5 days later the pain was gone completely and I have my mobility back. One month later I am still completely pain-free. This should be a must to anyone with sciatica.”
These are just a few of the success stories – there are many at the Sciatica SOS™ website.Click here to check them out.

Conclusion – Is Sciatica SOS™ worth buying?
Sciatica can make even basic tasks such as sleeping or unloading groceries painful. It’s also a condition that the medical profession often doesn’t take seriously – which can be incredibly frustrating for those affected by it.

Glen understands these frustrations, and has designed Sciatica SOS™ to provide rapid pain relief without dangerous medicine, expensive treatments or hours of therapy.
The program also doesn’t rely on covering up pain or temporarily reducing it. Instead, the four treatment sections are designed to eliminate sciatica permanently.

My opinion? This is an excellent program that is a bargain at this price.
In fact, if you’re suffering with sciatica pain, I recommend purchasing SciaticaSOS™ today and trying the program immediately. If it works– great! And if it doesn’t, Glen offers a full money-back guarantee for 60-days, so you have nothing to lose. So don’t delay another minute to benefit from this amazing offer!   Click here to go to the Sciatica SOS™ website

Sciatica Exercises

Sciatica Exercises – Why You MUST Perform the Right Exercises for the Underlying Cause of Your Sciatica

Sciatica, at its most basic level, is caused by irritation of the sciatic nerve. This nerve runs from the spine down to the feet – which is why your sciatic pain often feels like electric “shocks” throughout the lower limbs.

If you’re suffering from sciatica, you may feel like you don’t want to do any exercise or physical activity. This is understandable – especially if pain is severe. Even so, it’s vital to stay active to prevent your muscles from becoming weak and stiff.

The best way to do this is through a guided sciatica exercise program. By using a combination of strengthening and mobility exercises, you can maintain strength and reduce compression of the sciatic nerve. This can lead to a relatively quick improvement in pain levels.

You shouldn’t just Google a random set of exercises for sciatica though. This is a common mistake – but can lead to increased pain and recovery times. It’s also one of the main reasons why people who use sciatica exercise programs don’t successfully reduce their pain.

Why Sciatica Exercise Programs Are Often Ineffective
Sciatica can be caused by a range of different problems, including a herniated disc in the spine, spinal infections, repetitive injuries, enlarged ligaments…and many more.Performing the wrong exercise for the underlying cause of your sciatica could actually make your pain worse – and may increase the time taken for a full recovery.

If, for example, your sciatica is caused by excessive bending of the spine, then exercises to increase lumbar range of motion could make the condition worse.In contrast,these same exercises could potentially be effective at treating sciatica caused by excessive muscle tightness around the sciatic nerve.

This is why you should be extremely careful when finding a sciatic exercise routine online.In fact, unless the program recommends different exercises for each cause of sciatica, it is probably best to avoid it.

Creating an Effective Sciatica Exercise Routine
There’s an even bigger problem with many sciatica exercise programs. While a basic program may provide short-term relief, many don’t include the essential components required for long-term success. An effective program must include:
  • Exercises to prevent muscle weakness without aggravating your existing condition.
  • A system for gradually increasing intensity to build up strength and reduce pain.
  • Exercises to reduce stress on the lower back
  •  Structured exercises that are designed specifically for the underlying cause of your sciatica.
  •  A complete guide to the correct form for each exercise – so that you don’t accidentally aggravate your condition or even cause a new injury.

Without these components, an exercise program is unlikely to make a lasting difference to pain levels. There may be some short-term relief, but the underlying problem will often return quickly.

If you would like to learn how to eliminate sciatica pain in just seven days, click here for a complete treatment program. The program also contains a guide for creating a safe exercise routine for any cause of sciatica, and it will show you EXACTLY the exercises you should be doing for YOUR sciatica! Stop guessing and get rid of your sciatica in less than a week – 100% guaranteed. Click here to get started today. 

How to Cure Sciatica at Home

If you’ve had enough of sciatica pain ruling your life, don’t despair!
In this article, I’m going to show you three of the most common home sciatica treatments – and how you can use them to reduce pain quickly.
The best part about these treatments is that they can cure sciatica – not just cover up the pain.
So, let’s get started…

1. Home Exercise Program
Exercise programs are an important component of any sciatica treatment plan. By stretching and strengthening parts of your body that may be causing irritation of the sciatic nerve, you can reduce pain and speed up recovery.

The most effective exercises depend on the underlying reason you are suffering from sciatica. Sciatica caused by a herniated disc, for example, is not treated with the same exercises as sciatica caused by spinal stenosis. To find out the best exercises for any cause of sciatica, click here.

It’s also important to keep your body relaxed to allow it to heal great way to do this, without aggravating your condition, is brisk walking. Other light activities can have a similar effect, but if something hurts then stop immediately.

Bonus tip: It’s essential that you don’t become completely bed bound due to pain. Lying in bed for more than two days has been shown to make sciatica worse, as your muscles become tight and weakened.

2. Balance Your Diet
Curing sciatica permanently often means treating more than just the physical cause. You also need to improve your diet to prevent the pain from reoccurring.
One of the easiest ways to reduce the pain associated with sciatica is to drink more water. When you’re dehydrated, parts of the spine become deflated. This can cause extra pressure on the sciatic nerve.

If possible, you should also try to avoid anti-inflammatory foods. There are far too many inflammatory foods to list in this article, but anything with high sugar content can potentially lead to inflammation and increased pain.

3.  Home Remedies
Home remedies can make a big difference to your sciatica pain – and often relatively quickly. The great thing about home remedies is that they don’t require a prescription or expensive ingredients.

One of the simplest home remedies is peanuts. This is because peanuts contain lots of magnesium which is crucial for allowing muscles to relax.

By eating asmall/medium portion of peanuts each day, the muscles surrounding the sciatic nerve are more likely to loosen up and reduce compression.

Choosing the Right Home Cure for Sciatica
Each of these home treatments can be effective– but you shouldn’t just choose random treatments for your pain. Instead, it’s important to choose the right treatment for the underlying cause of YOUR sciatica, or your pain may worsen or at best – not improve at all.

Fortunately, a sciatica expert has recently released an online program teaching you how to cure sciatica pain in less than seven days, from the comforts of your own home. The course also contains a list of the seven most powerful home remedies to naturally eliminate sciatica pain and comes with an iron-clad full money-back guarantee! Click here to find out more.

What is Sciatica?

Sciatica is the term used to describe nerve pain in the buttocks, legs and feet. It is caused when the sciatic nerve – the longest nerve in the body – becomes compressed or irritated. If you’re suffering with pain that radiates down the back of your leg and into your feet, it could be sciatica.

What is the Sciatic Nerve?
The sciatic nerve starts at the lower spine before running through the buttock, down the back of the thigh and into the foot. It’s an important nerve that sends signals from the spinal cord to the entire lower body.

Because of its location and length, the sciatic nerve has a variety of functions. That’s why sciatica can result in pain throughout the entire lower body, and can even lead to coughing, sneezing and muscle contractions.

What Causes Sciatica?
There are a number of potential causes for a compressed or irritated sciatic nerve. Some of the most common include:
  • Slipped disc. If the outer casing of a disc in your spine becomes herniated, the interior of the disc bulges more than it should. This can lead to compression of the sciatic nerve, resulting in pain and discomfort.
  •  Spinal injury. If you injure your spine, or the muscles that support the spine, inflammation can press on the sciatic nerve.
  • Spinal stenosis. Sometimes the passage holding the spinal cord can become narrowed – often due to large ligaments. In some cases, this can cause compression on the sciatic nerve. Spinal stenosis often results in pain in the lower back.
  • Spondylolisthesis. This is a condition where a vertebra moves more than it should. It can either be caused by ageing or repeatedly bending the spine in an unnatural way.
  • Spinal infection. This is less common, but is a potential cause of sciatic pain.

The amount of pain, loss of sensation or tingling can vary depending on how much the nerve has been compressed or irritated. The location of the nerve compression can also affect where the pain radiates.

How is Sciatica Treated?
Each cause of sciatica requires a specific treatment plan to effectively reduce compression on the sciatic nerve and eliminate pain.

Traditional treatment for sciatica usually involves a combination of pain-killing medications and rest. This can sometimes be effective at reducing pain in the short-term. The problem is that it only treats the symptoms of sciatica, meaning the pain often returns at a later date.
Physiotherapy exercises are another common treatment. Unlike pain-killing medication, these exercises treat the underlying problem – but it’s vital that the right exercises are performed for a specific cause of sciatica. The wrong exercises can worsen pain and increase the time taken for recovery.

If you would like to learn how to resolve sciatica pain in just seven days  - without medication or expensive treatments – click here to visit Sciatica SOS™.

It’s a complete holistic treatment program based on Nepalese healers’ techniques to rapidly reduce pain and stiffness. Thousands of people have used it to get rid of sciatica in less than a week and it is backed by a paypal-verified 100% money back guarantee! So what are you waiting for? Grab your copy today!